
Interested in career opportunities with HRL? If you are hard-working, well-rounded, flexible and willing to jump in wherever you are needed for our clients, we want you to join our team!

Drilling Technician

FLSA Status: Non-Exempt

The primary responsibility of this position is to provide non-technical support to subsurface drilling operations primarily related to soil sampling, groundwater sampling, monitor well installation and geotechnical analysis.

Field Services Technician

FLSA Status: Non-Exempt

The primary responsibility of this position is to provide non-technical support to the implementation of bird deterrent systems, SVE systems, potholing, and general labor assistance primarily for clients in the oil and gas industry. The job requires work in a variety of environments and with varying structural construction requirements and conditions.

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free Workplace.

Think you could work with us?

Due to the large volume of applications we receive, only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted.