Since 2002, HRL has been providing environmental and regulatory permitting services for various development industries, including transportation, construction, mining, municipalities, recreation, and oil and gas. HRL can assist your company with all of the surveys and permits required for regulatory and environmental compliance.

HRL specializes in guiding and representing our clients through NEPA processes, city and county land use development of federally-required plans, including SPCCs, and navigating surface use requirements on state, federal, and tribal lands. Our experience is comprehensive and our team specializes in state-specific permitting requirements.


HRL has several certified wetland scientists on staff determining US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and any applicable state and/or county jurisdictional waters on a variety of projects. Wetland scientists delineate, survey, and stake all potential Section 404 Clean Water Act concerns onsite prior to permitting and proposed construction. Detailed reports and maps are provided to the client allowing for a quick and professional documentation and presentation to the regulatory agencies as required. On behalf of our clients, HRL can facilitate communications with the USACE and any other applicable permitting agency.

  • Project coordination, management, and oversight
  • Local/County Land Use review
  • Local/County permits
  • Biological assessments and raptor surveys
  • SHPO/THPO coordination and consultations
  • BLM APD and NEPA processes
  • USACE 404 Permitting
  • FCC NEPA and FAA permitting for towers
  • SPCC Plan Preparation, Recordkeeping, and Training
  • Environmental Assessments/Due Diligence Audits for Acquisitions or Divestitures

For a full list of services click here or contact us for more information.