Compressor Station Oil Release Bioremediation Project – Colorado
In-Situ Bioremediation Project
During the removal of a compressor engine at a Gas Compressor facility, personnel observed oil impacted soil beneath the location of the compressor engine. Approximately one hundred eighty (180) gallons of oil had been released inside a compressor station facility. Initial TPH concentration in the soil was 43,000 ppm.
Remediation activities were performed by HRL beginning in 2012 (soil aeration), and were completed in October 2012. However, bioremediation activities did not begin until July 2012. Analysis of impacted soil from the compressor station was analyzed for Oil Range Organic (ORO) and Diesel Range Organic (DRO) constituents in September, 2012 and reported a total TPH concentration of 330 ppm (130 ppm DRO and 210 ppm ORO respectively).
HRL bioremediated the soil in three (3) months (estimated time for cleanup was twenty-four (24) months). The cost for the cleanup project was reduced by forty (40) percent of the anticipated cost.
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